R & D

Developing an innovative new drug platform with the technology for selecting
and producing high-sensitivity and high-efficiency antibodies and the recombinant fusion protein technology

R&D Acivity
  • R&D
  • R&D Acivity
  • Immunodiagnostic Development Team
Immunodiagnostic Development Team
The Immunodiagnostic Development Team discovers disease-related diagnostic markers that can threaten human health and develops diagnostic kits that immunodiagnostic methods can analyze.
Business feasibility evaluation for new diagnostic products
This team researches and develops monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins, key ingredients for in vitro diagnostic reagents.
This team vigorously researches viral infectious diseases with high mortality and contagiousness, such as the novel coronavirus, influenza virus, and dengue virus.
Development of new technology to make accurate diagnosis
We focus on using various diagnostic materials to increase diagnostic accuracy and user convenience and the development of technologies such as polymer-based nanostructures that can improve analysis sensitivity.
Contact us
Head Office : BIO-1 310, 32, Soyanggang-ro, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon State, Republic of Korea
Corporate Research Institute : 2F, 199-9, Dugaebisan-ro, Bukbang-myeon, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon State, Republic of Korea
  • Tel : 070-4254-4498
  • Fax : 033-258-6416
  • E-mail : sales@hauulbio.com